lunedì 23 novembre 2015

SORRISO meets its goals and gives back to the open source community

SORRISO is an intense and ambitious applied research project and living lab, developed by 7 companies/institutes from Piemonte (i-EM, Istituto Superiore Mario Boella, 4USolution, Bellissimo, ISET Telecom, Ivrea Sistemi e Torino Nord Ovest) and co-funded by the EU, Italian and the Piemonte Regional governments (POR FESR 2007/2013)

The project was recently completed in November 2015, achieving a number of major results in just 10 months, including among others:

  • The realization of a living lab, animated by Torino Nord Ovest, involving teachers and students from two schools (IC Aldo Moro di Bruino and Istituto Tecnico Vallauri di Fossano) who actively participated by learning and designing parts of the system
  • The installation, supported by ISET Telecom, of two "Lucciola" storage systems (manufactured by 4USolution) in the two school buildings
  • The implementation of a new ZigBee-based communication module (firmware and hardware) integrated with the Storage system  and compatible with JEMMA and the Energy@home specifications (developed in collaboration between ISMB and Ivrea Sistemi).
  • The integration of the system with the smartdatanet cloud system, an open platform promoted by the Piemonte region in collaboration with CSI (developed in collaboration between ISMB and i-EM)
  • The analysis and development of new energy management and forecast techniques (developed in collaboration between ISMB and i-EM)
  • A new user interface (designed and developed by Bellissimo and integrated with JEMMA and  smartdatanet by ISMB

SORRISO has adopted the Energy@home eco-system and the JEMMA solution as a starting point to build its innovations. We are now happy to announce that the project has agreed to feed some of the outcomes back to the open source communities by releasing two new open source components.

The SORRISO Smart Data Platform cloud connector  (now available as jemma.osgi.sdp.uploader.sorriso) is a configurable component which allows to easily publish data from devices (exposed through the generic OSGi DAL specification employed in JEMMA) to any platform compliant with the smartdatanet API, and use the platform as cloud back-end for Energy-related applications.

The SORRISO Web-based User interface (now available as jemma.osgi.webui.sorriso) is a new Web-based GUI which can be deployed on any JEMMA gateway and allows accessing data both from devices and from the smartdatanet back-end.

Here a few snapshots and pictures of the new GUI. More details (in italian) on the official SORRISO project website.


sabato 17 ottobre 2015

Using Energy@home to Visualize Home Consumption on LaMetric

A few months back I found an interesting project on Kickstarter: LaMetric.  It's a kind-of customizable ambient display - it looks like an alarm clock but you can connect it to the internet.

Cool right ? I immediately pledged into the project so I could get two of those.

The kickstarter campaign went nice and smooth - and finally today I received my devices !!

How could I wait ?

Less than one hour of coding and here my LaMetric  showing consumption information from the JEMMA instance installed at my home via the DAL rest interface (I'm luck to have one full Energy@home setup at my place).

I'm currently publishing data from my SmartInfo device - but it should work with any ZigBee metering device, including Smart Plugs. The icon will turn yellow and red if my consumption increases.

Interested in how it works ? here the full code on github: riccardo/py-jemma-lametric-home-consumption.


giovedì 18 giugno 2015

How to control your Smart Appliances (and why) with JEMMA & Arduino Yùn (held at Casa Jasmina)

We just published on SlideShare some slides which has been presented  to a group of makers at the Torino Mini Maker Faire 2015.

The location was quite special - the kitchen of Casa Jasmina - a really visionary and interesting project. A great opportunity to meet and listen to real IoT and Technology legends such as Bruce Sterling, Jasmina  Tesanovic (does the name sounds familiar ?) and Arduino's dad Massimo Banzi.


The slides include a walk-through tutorial which shows how to make a very simple button using an Arduino Yun and configure it to control Smart Appliances compatible with the Energy@home eco-system (full code available here). In the tutorial we also shortly presented how to call the JEMMA DAL API via Javascript - using the test environment supplied with JEMMA.

The tutorial has been performed by Riccardo Tomasi (Istituto Superiore Mario Boella - ISMB) and Ivan Grimaldi (Telecom Italia), both members of the Energy@home reference implementation working group and core JEMMA developers.

During the tutorial we also had the opportunity to show some nice examples of project using some JEMMA components, including a nice demo prepared by Danny Noferi and his colleagues of the JOL S-CUBE (Milan) which have shown how to interact with appliances using augmented-reality or voice control techniques.

To provide ideas about how some innovative projects are using Smart Appliances today, we also introduced some cases provided by projects (GreenCom, SORRISO, Mas2ering) and shown the demo prepared by APIO to control appliances with gestures - which have been all presented to the herds of visitors which have visited the house all day.