lunedì 3 febbraio 2014

JEMMA 0.1.0 released

We are happy to announce the release of JEMMA version 0.1.0.

This version includes several contributions by members of the Energy@home association (especially Telecom Italia) and represent an important step to allow the different  teams of developers using JEMMA to work on the same code base.

It also includes a fully new component i.e. the "Java GAL" , a platform-independent version of the GAL (Gateway Abstraction Layer).

Main features:
  • Inclusion of the main Energy@home "demo" branch 
  • Integrated "2.0" branch into master
  • Added JavaGAL and JavaGAL rest
  • Separated web GUI bundles (eKitchen and demo)
  • Bug-fixes
The full source code of the new version can be checked out from our GitHub page. More details on the 0.1 release page.

What's next ?
The current version is now available to all partners and contributors to allow finding and solving any eventual bugs. Hot-fixes or performance improvements (if any) might be released in the 0.1.x version thread.

The planning for the next release 0.2 has already started within Energy@home. You can join the discussion or propose new features by contacting us.

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