mercoledì 19 novembre 2014

JEMMA 0.9 release

The Energy@Home association is proud to announce Version 0.9 of the JEMMA framework.

This release contains a lot's of bug fixes and improvements in the ZigBee network management as well as in the GUI (/demo/).

This version adds support for DoorLock (YALE, KWIKSET) and WindowCovering (UBISYS) devices.

The release binaries also includes OSGi Device Abstraction Layer implementation (rfc0196 and rfc0210).

You can interact with the OSGi Device Abstraction Layer also using HTTP REST and WebSocket.

Take a look at this page to understand how to interact with REST APIs and to this page to find out what kind of functions (with operations and parameters) are exposed by JEMMA devices.

This release will be used during the "Smart Home Hackathon" ( which will take place at the I3P (from November 21 November 23)

Download JEMMA 0.9
Run JEMMA with a FlexKey

mercoledì 23 luglio 2014

New JEMMA on Raspberry PI available

Dear all,

We are happy to annonunce that a new JEMMA on Raspberry PI (for beginners) has been created on here the JEMMA Wiki.

Thanks to Fabio a.k.a. Tinwor for preparing it.


lunedì 19 maggio 2014

Energy@home releases JEMMA v0.2 at M2MForum 2014

The M2MForum is one of the most important European exhibitions devoted to the machine-to-machine communication and Internet of Things. This year, Energy@home will  be one of the main exhibitors presenting its news and achievements with a booth and a workshop.

As you can see from the picture, the Energy@home demo has safely traveled from its usual location in ISMB Laboratories in Torino to the location of the exhibition, where it will be used to showcase the main use cases and features of the Energy@home specifications.

During the event, the most recent findings and news from Energy@home will be also presented during a dedicated workshop named "Valuing the demand side flexibility through a Smart Home communication infrastructure".

During the workshop, the latest and upcoming JEMMA evolutions will be also presented in a dedicated session (Open eco-systems for Smart M2M applications at Home : experiences and future developments of the JEMMA project).

In conjunction with the event, Energy@home is also proud to announce the release the latest version of JEMMA (v0.2). This version includes a number of new features including a new administrative GUI for developers and administrators (Java GAL GUI), support for new bitron home devices, beyond a full clean-up/review of the logging messages (currently released only in the logging_refactoring branch - to be soon merged with master in version v0.2.1).

This will be the last "full" release without major structural changes from the original pre-open-source code base of JEMMA. Right after the event we will start an analysis/re-factoring sprint to improve the design of JEMMA based on the lessons learned that we collected in the first 8 months of life of the project, and which will help us transitioning towards version v0.9 - tentatively set for October 2014.

More information here.

lunedì 3 febbraio 2014

JEMMA 0.1.0 released

We are happy to announce the release of JEMMA version 0.1.0.

This version includes several contributions by members of the Energy@home association (especially Telecom Italia) and represent an important step to allow the different  teams of developers using JEMMA to work on the same code base.

It also includes a fully new component i.e. the "Java GAL" , a platform-independent version of the GAL (Gateway Abstraction Layer).

Main features:
  • Inclusion of the main Energy@home "demo" branch 
  • Integrated "2.0" branch into master
  • Added JavaGAL and JavaGAL rest
  • Separated web GUI bundles (eKitchen and demo)
  • Bug-fixes
The full source code of the new version can be checked out from our GitHub page. More details on the 0.1 release page.

What's next ?
The current version is now available to all partners and contributors to allow finding and solving any eventual bugs. Hot-fixes or performance improvements (if any) might be released in the 0.1.x version thread.

The planning for the next release 0.2 has already started within Energy@home. You can join the discussion or propose new features by contacting us.