A few months back I found an interesting project on Kickstarter: LaMetric. It's a kind-of customizable ambient display - it looks like an alarm clock but you can connect it to the internet.
Cool right ? I immediately pledged into the project so I could get two of those.
The kickstarter campaign went nice and smooth - and finally today I received my devices !!
How could I wait ?
Less than one hour of coding and here my LaMetric showing consumption information from the JEMMA instance installed at my home via the DAL rest interface (I'm luck to have one full Energy@home setup at my place).
I'm currently publishing data from my SmartInfo device - but it should work with any ZigBee metering device, including Smart Plugs. The icon will turn yellow and red if my consumption increases.
Interested in how it works ? here the full code on github: riccardo/py-jemma-lametric-home-consumption.